Speak up! and gain control over your life

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Life is a Miracle

Life is the most astounding thing happened to us.

We get birth on this planet; we get birth in a family, we get born with the genes that we inherit from our parents. And we have no control over this. You are just born into a family that you call yours, you just born in a country that you call yours and you get birth with a body that is yours. You can’t say no to your birth. That’s not in your control. But let me tell you a miraculous thing other than this, you can say no to anything. You can speak up and get the control of your life in your hand.

Life is a miracle don't waste life by giving it's control to someone else.

We can Control our Life

I know there are some things over which we have no control. Like a person who gets robbed wanted it to happen?

I am afraid not, saying no the pilferer will not save him/her from the unfortunate incident. Because even if you say no to the thief, the monster will not listen to your order or pleading. So, let me make it clear to you, the blog is about such situations in which we have control. But still, we consider ourselves untenable. We don’t speak up, and the control of our life remains in someone’s hand. That someone can be anyone. Let’s see in this blog who can control us and how we can speak up to gain the hegemony that can help us to reach a place where we want to see ourselves.

Your life becomes a mess when you give it's control to others

You can speak up in a relationship

Sometimes we choose our relationships, and sometimes they happen to us. Whatever is the scenario, love and respect are the most crucial things in a relationship. The person with whom you are in a relationship should love you the way you are, love what you do, love what you love and should love everything about you. It is an ideal scenario! But even if he/she doesn’t like what you do or what you like, the person should support you instead of changing you.  The person should respect you, your feelings, your desires, your ideas, and everything. Because you are special, you deserve this.

If a person is not doing it speak up! Tell the person about your desires and expectations from him/her. Sometimes only talking about your issues can solve them.

In a healthy relationship equality exist nobody control the other person

The type of person you should not date:

Don’t date a person who makes you feel less and gives you no respect. Don’t wait around for others to decide the life for you. Decide your life yourself.

Learn to say no when it’s necessary:

Say no if the person is not meeting your needs. You’re not hard to love; the other person is not compatible with you. If you want to sacrifice something for the other person; do it. But if you don’t believe in it, you are not happy with it, and you’re just doing it because he/she is asking you to do speak up and say no! Because if you don’t, your life will become a mess.

Say no, if you don’t feel like it. There are millions of people on this planet; if you are unlucky once, that’s fine. You will find another person that meets your demands, and then you will realize it wasn’t you. Don’t be with someone because you have children, because your spouse is wealthy, and you are financially dependent. End it if you don’t feel about it anymore. Things will get right after you speak up. You should say no and end the misery.

learn to say no to keep the control of your life in your hand.

You can say no to your friends

Humans interact with each other and form relations the people with whom we share a mutual affection become our friends. They are not our blood relatives, but there exists a relationship, a bond between them and we call this friendship. Friendships are formed by people. People have control over them. But sometimes such a situation can happen, where due to the fear of losing a friend you forget to say no to your friend. You should know if your friendship is true, its real, a no cannot do anything to it. It will exist no matter if you refuse them or not it will remain there.

Say no to your friends when necessary don't let someone else to control you

You can say no to your parents

You don’t choose your family. Your family happened to you. You have no control over choosing your parents, siblings or cousins. A family is a surprise that we get as a gift on the day of our birth. Perfection is not the quality of human and idealism don’t exist in reality. Your parents can be good or bad at parenting. Because parenting happened to them, they were not trained and then made parents. They become parents and get training from their experiences. So, parents can be wrong. When children open their eyes, they see the world through the eyes of their parents for a few years. Their parents become their directors. And when they reach the stage of puberty, they start to look at the world through their own eyes.

You are perfect:

If you are born in an ideal environment that is too perfect for you. But if you were not lucky enough as your parents don’t trust your potentials, they don’t believe you, don’t support you or abuse you. I want to tell you something; you are perfect, your ideas are fantastic, you have every skill to achieve whatever you want in life.

You are perfect don't let someone control your thoughts

I want to tell you there is nothing wrong with you, but maybe your parents are still learning to be parents. And now the time has come that you should start to say no. Respecting parents is the core principle that you should never forget. But don’t be so respectful that you lose your self-respect. Learn to say no to your parents with respect. Nobody owns you. They happened to you whatever they did for you if it’s not unconditional then I am sorry, but you were not the one who was demanding it. They did it for you. It should be absolute.

Parents can have flaws in their parenting skills don't let anyone control your life

Learn to refuse your parents with respect:

You can say no to your parents if they reject your ideas, your choices, your potentials. You should say no and change your life. Say no if you don’t want to join a profession and you are doing it for your parents. You have to say no until its too late. It will become a painful job for you, and you will never excel in it.

If your life remains in someone's control it will become a mess

Say no if your parents want you to marry someone you don’t like. Otherwise, your entire life will become a tragedy. Say no if they want you to do something which is not in your favor. Respect and your love for them will not get less by saying no. And agreeing to their demands which are contradictory to your desires won’t make you a hero or the greatest person alive. Trust me! It won’t. Your life will become a mess, and you will have lots of regrets in life if you don’t say no when you have to say it.

Say no and keep the control of your life in your hand

You have to learn this magical word “No” to make everything better. It will change your life and will help you to gain control over your life.

Keep the control of your life in your hand

Because only you have the authority to do it. You can do anything with your life. Be the master of your life and don’t wait for others to decide what your life should be. The things which you can do for yourself; nobody can. No one can make a better decision than you. Because you know what you want, others only know what should be there. You know what suits you; you know how you like it to be. Others know what should be an ideal situation, but only you can decide what’s exemplary for you.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. Speak up and gain control over your life. Speak up, because you only live once.

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